Here I am. This is a snapshot of my daily journey as a daughter of the Most High God. My Father impacts every aspect of my life, every day. This blog is about sharing some of my experiences and my relationship with my Heavenly Father, the Lord of my life and whose I am. The human family is in a war. The enemy of God wants to use us to discredit Him, His Kingdom and all it stands for; Love, Righteousness, Justice, Eternal Joy, Peace, Everlasting Life and All Things Good. In this war, we will be the big losers if we choose to remain on the side of the enemy. He cares nothing for us. It is Satan's plan to destroy us in order to win against God. I choose God's side and in this blog I share how that works in practice in my life. Let me know if this blesses you by your comments. Blessings and Love Always. LadyZaidie

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

More Turtle Sense

OK, more about another of the characteristics of my esteemed visitor of the wild, the Box Turtle that reminds me why I am His, God's Lady ...

The other characteristic that I want to bring to your attention is the homing instinct that the turtle has. It causes the turtle to return to their place of birth, even if they have been moved. It does not matter the distance involved,if they get the chance they will start out on the journey back to their original home, the place they were born. I think this is awesome. The Creator made them with that homing instinct. They always, long for home. Now, many of us live away from the places or even the countries of our birth. And for all of us, home is that special place that we often look back at with love and longing and sometimes regret; regret of one kind or another. We miss what it represents or we miss what it should have represented. I have always felt somewhat saddened listening to some of our parents who had spent decades away from their birthplace – their home – but were always hoping, planning, saving, building, shopping and postponing life today for that future time when they will return home and have a dream-life.

Many of course don’t make it and some of those who do, find that it is not the stuff of their dream. Time has marched on without them and they feel and get treated as outsiders,even by their own relatives sometimes. For quite a few it might even turn into a nightmare.

In truth, home is where the heart is and what the heart wants it pursues. But sometimes we can fail to realize or accept that the heart is wrong. That is the tragedy of being ruled by emotions. We need guidance and direction from a higher plane, A Higher Source. We need to seek the things which are above and get our direction from our All-Knowing Heavenly Father. As we mature, we need to accept that this world, as is, is NOT our Home. We belong to God Who created us for Paradise! This world, this earth ceased to be Paradise when mankind sinned and the prince of darkness became it’s ruler by default.

Spiritually, we ALL have a homing device that longs for Paradise,for Home. The Home that God prepared for us in Eden,in His Presence is the place that our soul,our spirit longs for. Eden is the place of man’s beginning; God’s Presence is our true home!! We all search,instinctively,for the way home and as a result there are hundreds, thousands of religions, beliefs, doctrines, theories, philosophies, isms and schisms that we follow searching for direction and our place of belonging.

But by ourselves, we are unable to get back to a no-sin situation or live in holiness again without God’s loving intervention. Enter Jesus the Christ center stage; a Love Gift from God, an Open Door back to righteousness, communion and our Paradise Home! Because of the love-bond between Son and Father, Jesus shared the depth and breadth of the love that His Father has for us. This bounteous and infinite love took Him to the Cross of Shame to purchase our liberty. It is agape love, God-love that took the Christ all the way to the grave and God-love that raised Him up in triumph on resurrection morning!

So, whatever we might come up with is pointless. There is only one way home … Jesus is the Only Way – He is the Light and He is Truth. He is the Way back to God, our Creator Father’s Presence. Man was created from love, by love and offered salvation through that same love. This is the mystery of Love;it is eternal,it can never die, it gives life,it is Life, it is God! The power and the authority given to The Christ on His Ascension by the Father,flows from the same love that Jesus had for the Father and therefore for us. We are “so loved” by God that “He gave His only Begotten Son” for our restoration to His Presence and to the privileged position within His Kingdom that He appointed and apportioned to us from the genesis of the earth.

Our homing instinct is tuned in to Paradise and that lies by Way of Jesus the Christ, back to our Father. Wherever we may be,however far away we have moved,like the prodigal son,like the Box Turtle,we need to head Home to our Father.

By the way, 5 minutes later,when I went back outdoors to see the turtle,he had gone, completely disappeared! I checked the yard, it’s quite a big yard and a good distance back to the creek, yet he was nowhere to be found. Was he the racing turtle, after all, the winner of the race …?! Well, one thing is absolutely sure, like the winning turtle of the story, we can all be WINNERS in finding our Way Home, through Christ Jesus our Lord.

I am so glad that turtle came to visit me. It brought such a blessing to me and I hope the blessing is contagious! Always His and yours ... LadyZaidie


  1. Thanks for saring your journey. I feel your presence in everythign you write. It's almost like being there

  2. Hey, I just realized you've had a look ... still learning to navigate. Thanks. And you keep it up too. Love.
