Here I am. This is a snapshot of my daily journey as a daughter of the Most High God. My Father impacts every aspect of my life, every day. This blog is about sharing some of my experiences and my relationship with my Heavenly Father, the Lord of my life and whose I am. The human family is in a war. The enemy of God wants to use us to discredit Him, His Kingdom and all it stands for; Love, Righteousness, Justice, Eternal Joy, Peace, Everlasting Life and All Things Good. In this war, we will be the big losers if we choose to remain on the side of the enemy. He cares nothing for us. It is Satan's plan to destroy us in order to win against God. I choose God's side and in this blog I share how that works in practice in my life. Let me know if this blesses you by your comments. Blessings and Love Always. LadyZaidie

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Beginner's Blog

I am going to be blogging a lot 'cos I hold a lot inside and I feel like I want to feel how it feels to share more of what fills my heart and mind ... not because it is necessarily important what I think or feel but because I need to make room for more ... for new ... for wiser thoughts and feelings to come in. Someone, maybe just one person may find some thought worth something so ... here goes my journey into another forum of communication. I pray that as always, He - The Divine Lord - Whose Lady I am - is well pleased with this effort.

Blessings & Love

His Lady - LadyZaidie


  1. Welcome to the blogging world Zadie! I have really enjoyed reading your posts!

  2. Thanks Angie,I have a tendency to go on a bit much so I'm gonna try to be more succinct .. try!
