Here I am. This is a snapshot of my daily journey as a daughter of the Most High God. My Father impacts every aspect of my life, every day. This blog is about sharing some of my experiences and my relationship with my Heavenly Father, the Lord of my life and whose I am. The human family is in a war. The enemy of God wants to use us to discredit Him, His Kingdom and all it stands for; Love, Righteousness, Justice, Eternal Joy, Peace, Everlasting Life and All Things Good. In this war, we will be the big losers if we choose to remain on the side of the enemy. He cares nothing for us. It is Satan's plan to destroy us in order to win against God. I choose God's side and in this blog I share how that works in practice in my life. Let me know if this blesses you by your comments. Blessings and Love Always. LadyZaidie

Thursday, November 19, 2009

The Big Picture

Have you ever felt that your life is a puzzle; like you are unsure exactly what is going on, how the pieces fit together,what comes next and even what really just went on yesterday, or for the last week, month, year??? It does sound confusing just thinking about it, doesn't it? I am certain everyone has felt puzzled at some time in their life. But if you are one of those rare individuals who can honestly say you haven't then you are truly in the very small, maybe privileged minority. And I say privileged only in so far as you may consider it to be so.

The fact is though, I do not envy you that position. I have found that being in uncertain territory can broaden the horizons and stretch my faith to a point never reached before. In other words, this can be a growing place; when I can no longer walk, think, speak, live by sight, my own volition, my very limited understanding. It then becomes the place and the time for me to look to a Greater than me, than spouse, family, friend, pastor or philosopher. These are the times when the Great I Am is the only Source of clarity, direction, illumination, certainty. Faith like that of Father Abraham becomes essential, a must have on this journey to eternity. And let's face it, "without faith it is impossible to please God". So when things seem like a puzzle and I cannot figure any of it out or only bits come together, I just leave it all in the Hand of the One Who sees the Big Picture!

Now on the other hand,just in the last day or two, I find myself standing in a different puzzle box to the confusing one I just talked about and I am truthfully more familiar with. But I am not at all confused even though it is a puzzling situation! Instead I am so EXCITED!! Why, what's different you may ask. Well, I get this overwhelmingly strong impression of being in the centre of all these different pieces of this puzzle which is my life at the moment. And all the pieces are being divinely moved into position to complete the piture that my Lord is just about to reveal to me.

The place I am standing in is one of great anticipation, of thanksgiving, and praise, of wonder and awe, of favour and love, of blessings, and grace, of abundance and of overflow, all from the heart and hands of my Lord and Father!! This is the kind of puzzle where being in the centre is almost mind-blowingly, deliriously, joyously unspeakable and full of glory. It is to be in the Will of God, in the center of His plans, His thoughts, His outpouring love!! I can just see stuff falling into place; like a whole bunch of miracles unfolding almost all at once it seems...A magnificent, cosmic rose bud unfolding its glorious petals at the breath, the touch of the Creator of all.

For SUDDENLY, prayers are being answered and desires and hopes are maturing in ways beyond my comprehension. He has opened up the windows of heaven and He is working it ALL out for me. Hallelujah, "all things work together for good to them that love the Lord and are the called according to His purpose" Romans 8:28. The pieces of my life puzzle are being directed perfectly into their perfect place in the perfect plan of our Perfect Sovereign Lord.

Believe me when I tell you, if He can do this for me; He does, can, and will do the same for every one of us that place our hope, our faith, and our WAIT in Him! Don't run ahead of God. "Wait on the Lord, be of good courage and He shall strengthen thine heart, WAIT I say, on the Lord". Only God, I tell you my beloved ones, ONLY the Lord our GOD is so able!!

Love, Blessings and Divine Puzzles. LadyZaidie

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dearest Abba

Dearest Abba,My Father,

You are always on my mind. Whatever and wherever I am, You are always there at the forefront of my thoughts. And I would not have it any other way Father. I am always mindful of how much love You shower on me each day and how You cradle me in the comfort of Your protection and peace every night. I just so love You, dearest Abba! But even more than this, I am so glad that You first loved me; that You planned for my deliverance from slavery, from unhappiness, mortality, from pain and suffering, from deceit, dishonesty and disappointment. I am so glad that You have enticed me back to You with your deep, incomprehensible, infinite agape love which surpasses all human comprehension.

Did ever a daughter have so loving a Father as I have in You?! Human parents fall short; they mess up but You Oh my Lord, has never failed me yet! When I need You,day or night,You are always there for me. I can depend on You. I can ask You to take care of something and I do not have to think about it, or wonder if and when. I know with profound certainty that You will take care of it; I know that You will do so in a comprehensive way that looks at every possible angle, and then decide that which is best for me,and for all who may be impacted by the outcome.

I just love to be in Your Presence all day long; talking with You, thinking, meditating on Your Words as I pursue my daily tasks. I whisper to You, question You for divine direction, for answers, for strategies, for advice. I love to take special time out to commune with You, to hear from You, to sit with , cry with, laugh with, dance with You, be embraced in Your unfailing love. Oh how I love and adore You my Father!! How I love to spend my time enjoying Your grace, Your favor, Your many gifts to me. I even love the lessons You teach me, even when some are painful to go through. But You are always with me, seeing me through, giving me Your strength, Your wisdom, Your Holy Spirit to get me through .. through to my blessings, my next level, my inheritance in Christ Jesus my Saviour, my Brother,My Kinsman Redeemer.

Do You know Father that Jesus is the very best gift of all, the very best favor, the greatest blessing, the most precious thought that You have for me, the biggest most awesome inheritance from a dad to a kid? Yes Father, Jesus is my portion. In Him "I live and move and have my being". Without Him I would be lost to You and You to me. So I really want to keep on thanking You for Jesus,for all eternity. And what is more, I thank You for my abundant life through Him, and I thank You that Your Words can never fail to bring a harvest of life, health, wealth, peace, prosperity and eternal rewards.

I love You my Heavenly Father and Your praise shall continually be in my mouth!!!

With all my Heart, Mind, Body and Soul. Divinely, Your Daughter, LadyZaidie

Friday, October 2, 2009

For Starters, Praise God For Empty!!

In My Office At Work - Picture Taken To Publish In The Company's October Newsletter!

I just have not had a chance to catch my breath! It's been all go since the 7th of September to now. The Lord is Blessing me BIG TIME!! It's like being caught up in a whirlwind except being securely stashed in the centre of it. So all is peace and calm where you are but all around, everything is just being turned every which way!! I am dizzyingly happy, enjoying every blessed moment,praising all the way. God is just so AWESOME! I Love Him. He is my Abba,I am His daughter!!

What am I going on about this time? Well,you all remember my last but one blog when I said I was empty but excited about what the Lord was gonna do in my life next?! Just read it again if you have forgotten! Well this is IT! NEXT!

I had been applying for jobs for over 3 years consistently, sent out over 800 applications! No one wanted me. I was persona non gratia,it seemed and felt. Also, for various reasons which kept changing,I wanted to return to London. I just could not make it happen either. I was in a rut. STUCK!! I tried everything I knew how. I wriggled and squirmed,I prayed and cried,I ignored and berated my circumstances,I was determined to change stuff. Nothing changed. I was still stuck where I was standing.

Since I was standing I decided to "Stand Still, having done all, to just stand". Sound advice from the Psalmist ... he ought to know, being a man after God's own heart and all! Then I decided I might as well just sit while I was standing around anyway. And while I was sitting I started to think. I thought until I was all thought out. I was empty. This I told you guys about.

At first I hated being empty but there was nothing for it,I was completely EMPTY!!

Then, I KNEW something. You know when you know that you know something?! The Holy Spirit told me SOMETHING. This is the SOMETHING that He told me - "Being Empty is Good. Excellent in fact! Being empty was the time to get ready...Get ready to be filled up by the Lord". I shared this good news with you all. So I started praying, and praying. Then my praying turned to praising.

So I started praising. Like Jehoshaphat, the "Battle was not mine, but the Lord's". So I kept praising. It's amazing how much there is to praise God for when you get praising through the Holy Spirit. I was praising the Lord for the past,the present and in advance,for the future. I have been praising God for being God,for my Redeemer,for Salvation,for Mercy and Grace,for Life,for my Children,Family,Friends, for Prosperity,Love,Peace,for Blue Skies and the Rain,the Sunlight and Chocolate!! You name it,I praise God for it. Most of all, I praised Him for 'Filling Me up to Overflowing'.

Within a period of one week beginning the 7th September,I got a job offer,tickets to London and I was off. I arrived on Monday 13th September,PM. I started work on Tuesday, 14th September,AM and I have not had a minute since then. The education authorities said Zac would be out of school for around 4 weeks. Zac is in school after being out for 2 weeks!! I have secured accommodation suitable for us. I got paid my first pay check; a half a month's salary. I have been in London for 3 weeks now. How about that for the WHIRLWIND!


What am I saying then? Praise God for "Empty", Praise God for the Whirlwind, Just Praise Him and see what He can do! I will keep you all posted. GOT TO GO Praise Him In ADVANCE FOR THE FILLING THAT IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW. BELIEVE!!


Thursday, September 10, 2009

True Identity

My son celebrating H.S Graduation - The Right Hand of the Lord God upheld him all through High School. Gratitude, Love and Adoration to God forevermore. We can do ALL things through Christ Jesus. Is there anything too hard for God?!!

"You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains.
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas.
I am strong, when I am on Your shoulders.
You raise me up to more than I can be."
Lyrics of the Gospel Song "You Raise Me Up".

Romans 8:14 - "For as many as are led by the
Spirit of God, they are the sons of God".
Romans 8:11 "But if the Spirit of Him that
raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you,
He that raised up Christ from the dead shall
also quicken your mortal bodies by His
Spirit that dwells in you".

The Eternal One created me.
Sin separated me from Him.
My Brother and my Lord purchased me with
His shed blood on Calvary's cross.
Recreated me in the image and likeness
of my Divine lineage. Now I am one with
My Father and my Brother, again.

Redemption, reconciliation, restoration.
God's sovereign strategy for my life rocks.
I know whose I am, therefore I know who I am;
Heir of Jehovah God my Father, joint heir with
Jesus my Redeemer, my Lord and my big brother.

My inheritance is to be like Jesus in every way.
His Victory is mine. His heart of love and compassion
is mine. His suffering is mine. His death, mine.
His resurrection is also mine.

I am life and truth even as He is. I am clothed with the
righteousness of the Messiah. I walk in dominion
and authority on the earth,conquering every adversity,
by the power of the Holy Spirit.
To God be all the glory and honor forevermore.

Do you know who you are?
Are you aware of your lineage?
Have you read the details of your legacy?
Are you reborn, recreated as a son/daughter of the Living God
through Jesus the Christ?

Unless you know who you are
You cannot know why you are

Blessings. LadyZaidie

Friday, September 4, 2009

Invitation To His Banqueting Table

It has been a while since I last wrote anything on my blog, not because I had nothing to write - I can always find something to say! It was simply that I did not feel compelled to share anything. I have been doing some editing for an autobiography and I have been transcribing some notes for my current manuscript - yes, I am in the process of writing another book - so perhaps I am in "over-write"! Not all dried out or burnt out but all 'written out',kinda. Yet. Here I am still attempting to share something even if it is to say what I am not able to share ... Confused?! Funny that,I am perfectly clear about what I am saying!! Believe that and you are all just as cerebral as I am. Welcome to my world!!

OK, Come back to earth,Lady! Well, the thing about emptying out a vessel is that one creates space for a refill and right now,having drained the very dregs of my creative mind, I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that I am in a great position for new impartations. By this I mean that I am excited at being so totally empty, chumping at the bits to receive new insights/revelations from the Lord. And I know just which table I need to go sit at. Best of all,I have a standing invitation. I can hardly keep still knowing that I have made ready my heart, mind and spirit for a feast: "He invites me to His Banqueting Table" and I have gotten here on empty, ready for a refill at the Table of my Lord and my God.

Have you ever been invited out for a meal and prepared yourself for it? You have an invitation to an event, maybe to meet friends or family at your special restaurant. You eat very little during the day because you know that you want to have room in your tummy to appreciate and fill up on your favorite dishes. Maybe that's just me. Anyway, I have even gone so far as to wear my most comfortable,loose fitting dress so that I can really indulge - remembering, when I do remember, that gluttony is a sin! Of course when it comes to something I really like, it takes a long time for me to get full up, so gluttony is a long way coming into the equation.

Anyway, as I was saying, right now I am ready to receive abundantly at the hands of the Lord. And you know what, I do not have to be concerned about over-indulgence, hallelujah! Conversely, although I have not been able to write for my blog lately,all my spare time has been occupied with my Bible study. I have been able to spend a lot more time than usual each day, just reading and studying and immersing myself in the Word. I find that the more I study, the more I want to study. That is not me, that is the Spirit of the Lord for sure.

The desire for Truth and understanding, for revelation and Manna from above can take on a momentum of its own. The Word of our God and Lord is "more-ish". You cannot be so filled that you walk away without wanting any more. Not possible. There are deeper depths in the Lord and in seeking, we assuredly will find Him. And once we find our place in Him we just want to set up house; He becomes our "dwelling place", our secret hideaway even. What a place to be!

That's why, right now,I am thrilled that I am all 'writ-out' because I know that He is ever ready to "Fill my cup,fill it up and make me whole". So, Sorry that I don't have much to say at this moment, but just you wait and see; the banquet is just getting underway. You are invited too,no joke. Come away my Beloved. Happy Feasting. Love & Blessings. LadyZaidie.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Let Truth Conquer The Spirit of Compromise

How much does it matter to you, how other people see you;how and what they think of you? Or does it only matter to you what your family, friends and loved ones think? Do they know the real you? When you meet someone for the very first time, do you deliberately try to make a good impression? Are you comfortable and content to be yourself or do you try to say the right things, portray the right attitude, behave according to expectations, be who you are expected to be in that place, at that time? Think about this for a moment. Are you always truthful in your interactions with everyone, careful not to mislead or misrepresent who you are; your personality, your character, your principles, morals and convictions?

I have learned the hard way that we compromise in so many different areas of our lives. Often, we do not realise until the damage is done. I have been turning the Light of Truth into the far recesses of my mind. As a result,I have found that the cause of much of the heartache and pain I have suffered over the years has a lot to do with allowing the spirit of compromise,to set up a stronghold in my mind and heart.

It is so easy to tailor our persona to suit the situation, the company we are in or the expectations of others. And often, these others are strangers or mere acquaintances; people whose path we may never cross again. Most often we 'tone down' or 'tune up' our presentation of our self and in so doing we compromise. Yes, We Compromise!

Of course at first glance, compromise is such a 'now' word. There has to be compromises in just about every single relationship these days, apparently, or people would not be able to get on; marriages would not work - not that we are doing so great on that front anyway given the current statistics,Companies would fail to function efficiently, business would grind to a halt all over the globe, communities would be chaotic and countries would constantly have clashes and numerous outbreaks of war.

Well,there are lots of compromises going on everywhere,everyday yet all of the above scenarios are widespread! I humbly suggest then, that compromises are not working either. So why don't we just go for truth,honesty and integrity in all our dealings with each other. Let truth reign in our hearts, our homes, our communities and our countries. I know that this world would be a better place. It would be because Jesus is Truth and if Truth is in charge, righteousness is in control!! Compromise is not a part of the Lord's nature and should not be a part of ours either!

Compromise is really a lie dressed up in human logic to appear honest, essential and beneficial. In the end however,it is just another method used by the enemy of mankind to ensnare and destroy us. He even tried this approach with Jesus during His temptation in the Wilderness. "I will give you all the kingdoms of the earth now. No need to suffer, no need to minister to captive, suffering, lost mankind". Following God's agenda, he implied, was unnecessary. "If you just do one thing,worship me this once, you can forgo crucifixion on Calvary,dying,the grave,and you become ruler right now", Satan pressed!

But Jesus saw through Satan's plot. He refused to compromise and act to please anyone else but God. Jesus the Christ KNEW that at the time decreed by God, "the kingdoms of earth will become the Kingdom of our Lord!!" Satan was presenting a package that, although it would achieve the same outcome planned by God,the method and timing was contrary to that established by the Father in His divine wisdom. Compromise is disobedience to the commands of God to live in truth. In fact, I would go so far as to say, that I have learned that in many instances, compromise is a manipulation of truth; as first practiced by the enemy, that old serpent, in the Garden of Eden. It lead to the Fall of the Human family from God's grace!

So please my beloved ones, learn to recognise when you are about to compromise. You can compromise your thoughts, your principles, your beliefs, your salvation. You can compromise your dreams and hopes, your ambitions and choices and in so doing you can compromise your divine destiny! Be on your guard! Compromise brings negative consequences to bear in your life. You or your loved ones, your community, your country will suffer the cost. Logic is not the right lens through which to view life. Jesus is the Way to salvation, He is the Truth concerning all things and Jesus Christ is Life, life everlasting in God's Presence. So, don't compromise in any way that diminishes truth, honesty, integrity and righteousness!

Truth, Love & Blessings. The LadyZaidie.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

A Recipe For Survival

I decided last night to re-read Maya Angelou's book, "A Song Flung Up To Heaven" again. I came across it and it drew me. I finished it and enjoyed every page again. I really admire her body of work; her love affair with life and with words. After my last post, I just wanted to share this. Actually it's a quote from James Baldwin that Maya quotes ... Be Blessed. Here it is - speaking of Black People on the day Martin Luther King Jnr. was killed;

" We survived slavery: Think about that. Not because we were strong. The American Indians were strong, and they were on their own land. But they have not survived genocide. You know how we survived?"

"We put surviving into our poems and into our songs. We put it into our folk tales. We danced surviving in Congo Square in New Orleans and put it into our pots when we cooked pinto beans. We wore surviving on our backs when we clothed ourselves in the colors of the rainbow. We were pulled down so low we could hardly lift our eyes, so we knew, if we wanted to survive, we had better lift our own spirits. So we laughed whenever we got the chance."

This is beautiful and this is truth ... and what is more my friends, I know that God laughs with us too!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Does God Laugh Too?

My cousin's beautiful grand-baby with the laughter that is fresh from the Lord on her lips! - Being held by my brother who is clearly infected by her pure joy of life!

I just heard from a friend that I have been out of contact with for 4 years now. I think of her often and miss her tremendously. Her email was almost as good as having her right next to me - I started reading and I began smiling. The more I read from her the bigger my smile became until I found myself laughing right out loud! She has always been able to make me laugh, always. Even if I don't feel much like it. When I am around her and she finds something that tickles her sense of humour or fires her imagination - which is just so vivid especially when it comes to romantic takes - her extremely infectious laughter has me in stitches before long. It is just impossible to hear her laughter and remain sullen, sad or serious. Of course once I get started, the tears start rolling down my cheeks and pretty soon I need to search for a bathroom!! I am totally reduced to a big 'ole mess of jelly!!

My friend reminds me of my mother. She was another of those individuals with a terrific sense of humour and one of those highly infectious laughs! I miss her too. She passed away many, many years ago but I can still hear her laughter and see her doubled up with the sheer joy of the moment; holding her tummy when she got going. I remember that even if she was so far away that I could not actually, physically see her, once she started laughing she could be heard over a long distance. And one could not help joining in, although unaware of the specifics. It would start with a chuckle and quickly grow into outright laughter. Laughter is one of the few infectious things that one is happy to catch. I know I am! I love a really good dose of laughter. So this made me wonder today, does God laugh too? And if He does, what makes Him laugh??

Well according to Psalms 2:4 God does indeed laugh. But the reason for His laughter is somewhat different to the main reason I laugh,I think ... or is it? The psalmist David writes that the One Who dwells in heaven laughs at the foolish efforts of evil men to destroy His people. The utter futility of their planning and persuasion believing they can possibly prevail against the protection, power and providence of the Almighty Creator of all, must seem ridiculous indeed to our God. The Creator, Who knows the beginning from the end, Who is the creator of even those who strive against Him! Think about it, it must appear as ridiculous to God as a dog trying to catch it's tail seems to us! At first take, it seems that God's laughter is only ominous and is directed only at those foolish enough to go against Him. However, on reflection I can completely see why our Heavenly Father laughs. I see the same foolish pursuit of the saints every day by our enemy and wonder, does he not know that he has already lost?! Why does he not read the Book of Revelation and see that all his evil plots and plans fail and those who are his agents, his supporters fail, along with him? Yes,God is justified in laughing and in "holding them in derision"!!

There is a Yiddish rhyme that says "Ah mentch tracht, und Gut lacht" - "Man plans, and God laughs". We should take this to heart and realize that the only certainty there is in our lives is that the will and purpose of God will be accomplished. Stressing out is futile, relying on our own so-called reasoning while ignoring divine guidance is foolishness, and walking a path other than that directed and ordered by the Lord is certain destruction. So we need to make the choice for Good and for God. We surely want Him to delight in us, not laugh at our futile rebellion against Him and His way. I want God to laugh with me the same way I laughed with my mother or with my friend; in an intimate, shared delight.

But the revelation of the Holy Spirit to me on this point goes beyond the doctrinal exposition just stated. It is a simple, overwhelming truth, an immense honour and blessing beyond compare. It is quite simply this;we have and will continue to hear God's laughter if we listen, carefully. It happens all about us, all the time. In the sounds of a hungry child that has just been fed the first meal in days and can think of playing instead of crying. In the merry discourse and joy of women returning with full jars of clean water from a newly sunken well to look after their families. In the whoops of delight experienced by a man just released from slavery after years of oppression and pain by a cruel slave-master. The prisoner, the sick, the naked, the lonely, the heartbroken, the bereaved and all those to whom we have just shared the heart of the Christ; whose joy and delight is beyond words. If we listen with our spirits we can hear the Father's pleasure as He laughs in utter delight and love.

I saw my cousin Pat's grand-baby recently, after a couple weeks of not seeing her. I bent over her push chair and said "Hello beautiful girl". She was so tickled, for some reason, she began to laugh. A beautiful, pure, innocent and refreshing laughter that rang through the hallways of the church. It seemed her laughter was way over the top in comparison to my simple hello. But in that laugh was the pure, sweet laughter of my Lord. A pure sound that reached straight to the depths of my spirit, and lifted me to a higher plane of happiness than I was feeling prior to this encounter. It was the joyous sound of my God and my Lord, telling me all is well. I know this to be divine revelation. So,I advise you to listen. He/she that has ears, let them hear. Next time the sound of laughter reaches your ear, your heart, your spirit, know that it might just be our God laughing with you!! And His laughter is infectious too!! Blessings and Laughter. LadyZaidie

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Let the weak say, "I am Strong"

Last night I got scared. Last night my sons got scared. Last night we were all so scared again that I sinned. My oldest son sinned. I was trying to protect us,again. He was trying to protect us, again. But we sinned. Again. After the storm was averted, my son asked me, "Mom,aren't you a strong woman?" "Yes", I said, "I am a strong woman". "OK" he said,somewhat satisfied perhaps, as he walked away. But since he left me,I have been pondering this question for a few hours now. Am I a strong woman? What exactly does it mean and do I really believe, know that I am a strong woman? Did I answer my son correctly?

Tonight, like so many other times, I was faced by a situation that we had experienced many, many times before. Do I face up to it, to the consequences and all. Or do I try everything in my power to avoid going through all the hurt and humiliation that it entails. I had no strength for this battle again, no strength for the wounds that would be inflicted;no strength to nurse my children's hurt and restore their confidence. I had no strength tonight. I wanted peace. The children wanted peace tonight. I was a weak woman tonight and I had made my children weak also. I had relied on self in the moment. And in the moment I had failed my Lord, myself and my children. I had sinned and so had my son. Our eternity was lost in a moment of fear; the fear of a man. Human strength had failed me and my son. Our faith was placed in our own ability to fight the enemy's attack. And of ourselves, we failed. "But if we sin, we have an Advocate with the Father". "Where sin abounds, grace much more abounds". Thank God for Jesus. Thank God for Grace.

In truth, I am weak. I have never had any strength of my own. I know this full well. "Not by might,nor by power but by my Spirit", says the Lord. It is only His Spirit, His love, His word that has kept me and my children through the severest trials and testings I have ever faced in my life in the last few years. But, "Let the weak say I am strong!". Hallelujah!!

The answer to the question then is YES. I AM STRONG. I AM A STRONG WOMAN. Not by myself, not my own strength but by and through the mercy of my Saviour Jesus. My sons and I will have this discussion later in the morning. We will not respond to fear by sinning, we will not seek to be safe by sinning, we will not allow the enemy to intimidate us, corner us like wounded animals so that we sin against our God, again. We will look at such situations squarely and we will keep our peace. We will allow the Lord to fight our battle. He is our true strength; always,in all situations,at all times. Next time we will be prepared; we will be ready to be more than conquerors through Christ Jesus, our Lord.

Blessings & Peace. Ladyzaidie

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Pennies To and From Heaven!

He was just so excited when he told me of his latest discovery. "Mom I think that we might be able to get lots of money". "How Zac, what's happened?" I asked with a strong suspicion that he had come up with another "grand idea" on supplementing our almost non-existent funds. You see Zac is a very caring and protective young man of 11 years going on 40; bless his little cotton socks!. He takes note of everything, even when one is totally unaware he is within earshot. Consequently it was only a matter of time; very little time in his case, that he would become conscious of the fact that money is in very short supply with his mom these last days! I have tried real hard to make it seem a manageable issue that is best left to my endeavors, but Zac cannot help but offer up advice and suggestions on a very regular basis.

In fact he and his brother have even gone so far as to use some pocket money they were given, to purchase one of those money-making packages advertised on TV for me. We returned the whole 'kit and caboodle' recognising it for the gimmick it was in reality. Still, my baby persists in his quest to make us money. Today, his new quest to make money from selling old coins was just like so many other days and other ideas. I do not discourage his creativity or his efforts. We usually talk them through, investigate the viability, weigh up the pros and cons and decide if there is any substance in the idea.

Today, Zac found a penny dated 1945. "Mom, we can probably get some money for this penny, it is so old. And remember on "Bones"(TV series)there was a coin that was worth a $100,000.00 because it was from the 1930's!" Yes I did recall. So now we will go to the bank to check out the 1945 penny next week,at Zac's insistence. In the meantime,he is continuing to pick up coins lying around the place, he said, "just in case, you never know mommy!!"

I love that childlike trust in possibilities. The possibility that a penny could change our lives for the better if only we find the right one. And you know,Zac is right on so many levels. But for now let me just remind you all and myself of the widow's mite. An offering so insignificant as to almost bring shame to the giver for not having more to give. But oh what an offering,and what an example of sacrificial love, faith and faithfulness! So much so that our Lord Jesus remarked on the weight that such a seemingly small offering carried in the heavens because of what it signified.

I pray that we all place such significance on our penny, our mite, our millions when it comes to a demonstration of love, faith and obedience to God. Obedience to the law of love;to give our best to God,to give sacrificially. And also to give to our neighbors in need wherever in the world they might be. Our possibilities and the prospects of those who are blessed by our pennies will be multiplied by God and returned to us, as showers of blessings in all areas of our lives. So let us give our pennies, however many or few, as a reasonable sacrifice and watch as the Bank Manager opens up the windows of His Kingdom and pour out His blessings on us so there is not even enough room to receive them.

Obedience & Blesings. LadyZaidie. PS I am still using my friend's computer while I wait ...

Saturday, June 20, 2009

My Computer is Gone!!

I did promise. I promised to keep my blog up to date. I promised to let everyone who has a chance to read my blog share my experiences of God in the details of my life. I am so sorry but I have not been keeping my promises in a way that I hoped. It's just that my computer died on me. It made some weird whirring noises, then it started to smell and then it rattled to a dead stop. Kaput! Almost all my data lost. My main connection to friends and family has suffered, big time. My job-huntingrelentlessly pursued online each morning and evening for 2 years is now puntuated by an exclamation and a question mark!? I know that most everyone will agree that a car , a computer with internet access and a cell phone have become basic essentials of modern living.

Despite the absence of a personal cell phone I do pretty OK. The internet allows reasonably speedy communication with everyone. Now if you all read my blog you know that my car recently went on vacation. But at least I knew that it would be back. Now my computer has died, so as would be expected, I am in mourning. Such loss!! Loss of convenience, of ease, of the links, the connections, the updates etc all at my fingertips ... GONE!!

But hold on for a minute before you get overly sad and sympathetic. The really neat thing is this; even if I had no car, no computer, no cell phone, or any kind of phone for that matter, no pens and paper to write, no tin cans and cord, I would still be connected to, able to communicate with the most powerful Being in all the worlds, at any time,with total ease,with an absence of panic,fear or haste. That is just so awesome! None of man's technology needed to access our Father in heaven!! We can speak to Him as often as we want to. We can talk for as long as our heart desires at no cost. And you know what's even more awesome, all the things that have become technological necessities are supplied to us by Him!!

So excuse me while I get off this borrowed computer and get back to more downtime with the Supreme, Sovereign Ruler of all the universes. Meet you at the Throne of Grace and Divine Glory. Wow, talk about advance technolgy right within my power to use!! Blessings, Love & Happy Communion!! The LadyZaidie

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Comfort Zone or Zone of Complacency

Fuss and nonsense started coming at me yesterday, into the night and all today. I wondered for a moment, only a moment,why. Then I reminded myself that there is no good reason, or rather that there is only one, the enemy of our joy, our peace our being in Christ was doing the dirty on me again. I have been experiencing ongoing challenges over the last 4 years. With encouragement and active intervention I had established a deadline to make a direct turnaround in my position and circumstances. But, on reflection,I was becoming complacent; settling into a situation that needed unsettling. I was beginning to be comfortable in a bad place. Developing a thick skin and accepting LESS THAN.

Did you know that one can become complacent about negativity; that one's comfort zone is not necessarily a comfortable place but a convenient one? I have known for a long time that change is imperative for myself and my children. I always decide to effect the process but ... but then the pressure eases a little. I tell myself, "Don't rush, wait and see. Maybe this is a sign that things will get better from here on out". And sure, the atmosphere is peaceful for a season. But as always,it is only for a while.

There are no changes really, just a pause. I get caught out again. As the waves of hurt and disappointment fill up my heart and mind, I chide myself again, promise myself again, kick and scream again, cry and pray again, moan and whisper to myself about change again. Yet, still the only change I really make is to accommodate the new bruises, find a way to live with the additional wounds, plan and promise that the time will come when God will bring about that change, when I will make that transition. In truth,I have become comfortable with misery, with passive aggression, with veiled rejection, with hidden scorn, with emotional manipulation, with busy isolation, with gilded imprisonment. I have established a comfort zone in enemy territory. God needs me to do something,to listen,to act. I am not so sure what action to take, the best road to walk. The heart wants ...

It is told that when the eagle is ready for its young to fly, it works at making the nest very uncomfortable. Eventually there comes a day when it will actually push the little one out of the nest. The mother waits to catch it before it plummets to its death, swooping in at the last moment. The process is repeated until the young learns to fly. I think that the stirring up of my "comfort zone" has been the preparatory steps by my Heavenly Father to actually propel me out of the nest of (dis)comfort ! In some moments, I am scared, I am sad, hurt even. But God is my Father and although I don't yet understand, I know that this is for my benefit. If that mother eagle, how much more my Heavenly Father will catch me if I fail to fly, to soar as is my inheritance.

Joseph, Son of Israel, could not have saved his family if he had not suffered through enslavement and imprisonment in Egypt. I am not saying I am like Joseph. It's just that on a smaller scale, my situation, my circumstances and the process I am undergoing will work blessings in my life and the life of others, just as it did in the life of Joseph and his family. I am persuaded that God would not make me go through all this stuff for no good reason at all. Weeping may endure for a while but joy comes in the morning. I believe. I am passing through the dawn of my deliverance; morning is just behind the next disappearing star. Hallelujah, Amen!!

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Noah Is Back!

Noah is working perfectly again! The new ignition cylinder 'thingey' has been fitted, covers replaced and we are rolling again! I don't have to be extra cautious, extra conscious of every little move, every action that I take because I am driving another car that does not belong to me. My car has come back to me working nicely. You see Noah is the name of my car! I always give my car a name and usually the names are female names. All except for my present car, Noah. I waited for over one year after arriving in the USA to get a car. I had no freedom to come and go as I pleased. There is no public transport available where I am living. So when I got my car I was overjoyed. Freedom of movement;I was no longer a slave to the kindness of others in getting around town. I did not immediately think of naming my car. It just happened one day. The name Noah came out and no other name seemed as suited,so I settled with Noah.

Why Noah I wondered. From the Bible Noah reminds me of the Ark;the fauna,flora and fowl species of the earth's rescue,the deluge and the saving of the human family - Noah's family. But why did my spirit associate my car with Father Noah? As a man, Noah found favor in the eyes of God and was given the commission to preach God's law,love and justice to a corrupt society of people as well as to build the vessel that would protect and preserve many of earth's present lifeforms. The Ark was the physical manifestation, a type/symbol of Christ,that secured the future of humankind by keeping the race alive. Noah's obedience is the reason we are physically here today. Jesus' obedience is the reason that we have a chance of eternal life and a relationship with God now.

In the Hebrew the name Noah means comfort,rest,quiet. I don't know about you but in more ways than one, Noah reminds me of the Saviour. I always find comfort,rest and quiet in the presence of the Lord,in His words,in His promises,in His love,in Him. Whatever I need to maintain my peace, my rest, my comfort,He provides. Without a car I had no freedom, no peace of mind. The Lord provided my car and to me that was another symbol of His love for me, His care for my well being. God had shown Himself merciful to me again. He had manifested His interest in everything that disturbs or concerns me.

Maybe, there is some other deep,profound reason that I felt inspired to name an inanimate object, my car, Noah. I am not ruling it out. But I do know,every time I say Noah,I think of the everlasting covenant of which I am a beneficiary; the covenant that promises that God will never leave nor forsake me, that I am His own daughter ...the LadyZaidie

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Chocolate Cake on G-Day !!

This is me, enjoying my slice of chocolate cake to celebrate G-Day!!

Proud Parents On G-Day!

G-Day arrived. A grand time was had by all from the beginning to the end of the day. We whooped and hollered scandalously loud when his name was announced. I cried and laughed. I did a little jig. I kept breaking out into song "We've come this far by faith, leaning on the Lord, Trusting in His holy Word, He's never failed me yet". I warned my friend Jeanie, "Don't be surprised if I ask you to hold "my mule"!! I got so much to praise God for; so many blessings that He has showered on me and on my children. The challenges were many and the outcome seemed so uncertain but God never failed to get us through. My son Christy graduated High School on Saturday,May 23rd. Hallelujah to the Most High God!

After the event, the food at the restaurant tasted particularly good. The company especially pleasant and cheerful. The young lady that attended our party celebrated with us. The laughter that rang out was a symphony of heaven's delight. My heart was so filled with gratitude, there was not room enough to hold it in. And so the refrain kept bubbling over in a slow quiet undertone that accompanied the pleasantries of the meal, and the happiness that permeated the environment. It felt only right that I started out with dessert. Of course that meant chocolate cake! I am truly blessed, highly favored and sweetly flavored also!! G-Day for my son is my slice of chocolate cake from My Heavenly Father ... no joke!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Gentlemen & Angels

My car is RESTING. It stopped working yesterday afternoon. I went to Burlington's to buy Zac a pair of trousers; he has stretched up and his suit trouser is about 3-4 inches too short, the child grew a couple inches overnight! So,I walked out of the store, got into the car, put the key in the ignition and it would not start. Again and again nothing. I was a long way from home, for me. Plus,I had no cell phone to call anyone for help. I had prayed before I left home,I had praised God all the way to the store. It was one of those mornings when the Holy Spirit just fills one with joy and the praise just goes up! So when the car failed to start and I found my self stranded,I realized that I was at peace; calm and unworried, certain of My heavenly Father's care, protection and provision.

After sitting for a few minutes,a car pulled up next to me. I felt led to ask this young gentleman who had his young son with him, if by any chance he knew about cars. He did not but got on his phone, called his friend, a mechanic as it happens and told him my situation. He reported back that his friend would be with us in about 20 minutes. I was delighted at my Father's intervention.

The mechanic was unable to get the car started, the services of a locksmith was probably needed. The first gentleman of mercy allowed me to call my neighbor, another lovely gentleman who together with his grandchildren just home from school came and picked me up. My car was left to 'rest' in the car park overnight. It's there today and will be there tonight. Arrangements are in progress to sort out the ignition cylinder tomorrow morning so that I can be mobile again.

The kindness of three gentlemen,three angels made what could have been a trying, stressful situation a pleasant experience, in truth a blessing. My first angel was Edward. As we got talking, it became clear right at the beginning of the conversation that he was a committed,dedicated child of God. He wanted only to be a minister of the gospel,full time,every day and every night,for all of his life. At present he is undergoing divine processing;being prepared,tested,tried and equipped for the divine purpose for which he was appointed before he was even conceived.

We shared testimonies,the Word,the Love revealed in our lives. I even got to enjoy his son, a great hug and kiss from Nathaniel. My second helper,the mechanic Ken was another man of God. He and I again had the opportunity to share a testimony of how God opens the windows of heaven when we are faithful in tithing,obeying all His laws by His grace. And Finally,my neighbour Mr. Charles. He has been a such a good neighbour and friend. The Good Samaritan would be so proud of him. He is always helping, supporting,kind and thoughtful to my family. I got home safely, soundly on time for the boys after school.

I am so thankful that the Lord keeps watch over me. I am so blessed that He prepares the solution in advance of any situation that challenges me. I love the fact that there are brothers and sisters in the Lord that we may not have met but who live the Love and who allow themselves to be His hands in this world. Yesterday I met two of my brothers that I had not met before. The meeting was not a coincidence. It was a meeting by Divine assignment. Truly we must remember always to be a living testimony. Sometimes we encounter and have the chance to entertain angels unawares. Sometimes,without realizing it at first,we are blessed by them. Sometimes angels are angels, and sometimes,our fellow man or woman is the angel. The Bible tells us that one sure sign of discipleship of Jesus the Christ is the love that we have and share with each other. Yesterday experienced that love from my brothers and from My Father.

Yesterday my car decided to rest. As a result,yesterday,I was blessed by three angels.


Sunday, May 17, 2009

Reaching for a Definition

This is the second consecutive Sunday that I have found myself in Church. This has not happened in a few years, as I am usually in Church on Saturdays. I must say I really enjoyed being together with worshipers in the Church forum for the past two weekends but especially today. We were in Church for my son, Christy's Baccalaureate. I am sure that almost everyone knows what this means. Poor me, I did not! So I had to reach for my dictionary real quick. I figured out why we were going to the Church; to give thanks to God and ask His blessings on the MLK HS graduates ... but what was the exact meaning of baccalaureate, I wondered. Well, I found out that it is the sermon to graduates or the church service held for graduates. Well OK. I had always associated this word with university/college and a bachelor's degree and now thanks to my son's journey, my knowledge continues to grow.

As I sat in the Church, I was privileged, as well as happy, and sad, to be at Christy's baccalaureate at the Ray of Hope Church. I consider myself PRIVILEGED because God blessed me with a son who has reached this point in his life, this age, graduating from High School - a big deal. Also as a young black male child, especially here in the USA, he is part of the improving, encouraging statistics for our community. I am HAPPY to see how excited he is and to know how much he has overcome to be in this place and position right now. But I am a little SAD because he is growing up too quickly! He is ready to go off to college! My Baby!! He just smiles patiently, indulgently when I call him baby!!

As I sat in the house of God today,I thought about His Son and I thanked Him for Jesus the Christ. I reminded myself how PRIVILEGED I am that God gave His only begotten Son to live, to minister, to die, to rise, to intercede, to redeem me, so that I might have life eternal, be a child of the Most High again; reborn into His family again. Then I thought how very HAPPY I am because despite all the challenges of life, the Lord has never failed me yet, He has always been by my side and tho' I fall, by His grace "still I rise" up again! And yes, I am SAD, so very SAD, that despite all this, there are times when I still disappoint my Lord. After all He has done for me I succumb to the tempter and crucify my Saviour again by turning away from His teachings, heading off under my own steam, failing to follow Him always, all the time, wherever He leads.

Nevertheless, there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus and I am in Christ Jesus, by His grace! I am so glad that the Lord promises us that if we sin we have an Intercessor, Jesus Himself, seated at the right hand of the Father in heaven. He pleads for us, He pleads His blood and His righteousness if and when we turn back to Him. He never goes away from us, only by our sin do we separate ourselves from Him. But if we confess our sins, God is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I just LOVE HIM so!! The great thing is He loves me even more than I can ever imagine. When I think I am so mature and independent, He smiles patiently and indulgently and He calls me His own! The joys of Parenthood.

Love & Blessings. LadyZaidie

Friday, May 15, 2009

LIsten Always

Today is Friday and it is a really beautiful sunshine day. I am so happy to be alive, here, today. Speaking of today, I kept my appointment, on time and minus the uneasiness I was feeling yesterday. Yesterday, I woke up and started my day on the premise that it was Friday, so I did all my usual Friday things. Eventually in the afternoon, I got dressed, got in my car and set out to keep my appointment at 3:00pm, just up the road. However, from the time I started dressing, I was feeling real uneasy. Something was disturbing my peace. I just could not figure out what or why. So I prayed and ask the Lord to take care of whatever it was that was unsettling me. I got to my place of appointment and the gate was locked! There was no one there. 'That's not nice', I thought to myself. They could have let me know that there was a change. I waited for a while ... perhaps they were running late in opening the gate! No, still no one turned up after what I considered a reasonable time. I left. OK. Maybe I'll call and find out what happened, I decided.

I noticed that as I drove home I was settled and at peace again. No concerns, no discomfort. I sang along to my gospel music. When I got home, I had a drink and then picked the phone up to call. That was when it hit me. It was Thursday, not Friday! (LOL) I had been mistaken all day. The people at my place of appointment were not rude. They had not overlooked my appointment. I got the days mixed up. AND that is what my spirit and the Holy Spirit was trying to bring to my attention! That was the feeling for my unease. BUT I was not listening. I was so busy, so caught up in what I was doing, about to do. I was so happy that I got a chance to be of service to my local community; I was feeling so blessed that I was not in continuous dialogue with My Heavenly Father.

I was carrying on a monologue for a while! I was not Listening! Imagine what would have happened if Abraham had not continued a dialogue after he was told to offer his son as a sacrifice. Imagine. Isaac would have been dead. The consequences would have been more than that of course but for now, let's stop at this first and immediate effect of inattention to, or recognition of, the promptings of the Spirit of God. But Abraham spoke and then kept his ears open to anything further that God had to say to him. And God did say something else ... What He said gave Abraham back his son and promised the human family God's own Son as the Substitute Sacrifice for our sins!

I learned a valuable lesson alright; I must listen more that I speak. Prayer is a two way communication. I have tended to treat it as me talking to God most of the time. The truth is He wants to talk to me just as much as I want to talk to Him. Yes, He does communicate through the Bible, His servants, my brethren, nature and a myriad of ways. And He also does it directly to my spirit.

So today, Friday, I repeated the process. But this time as I prayed I kept alert to what my spirit was communicating to me. With peace and joy I kept my appointment. The gate was open, the people were there and I did my bit. As I left for the journey home, I thanked God for my 'senior moment' and His way of turning a mistake into a message.

Still, I think it's time I start putting up post-it notes with dates and times of appointments and activities and remember to look at them! The first one I will post will say "Write Blog Today"!!!! Love, Blessings & A Good Memory!! LadyZaidie

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

More Turtle Sense

OK, more about another of the characteristics of my esteemed visitor of the wild, the Box Turtle that reminds me why I am His, God's Lady ...

The other characteristic that I want to bring to your attention is the homing instinct that the turtle has. It causes the turtle to return to their place of birth, even if they have been moved. It does not matter the distance involved,if they get the chance they will start out on the journey back to their original home, the place they were born. I think this is awesome. The Creator made them with that homing instinct. They always, long for home. Now, many of us live away from the places or even the countries of our birth. And for all of us, home is that special place that we often look back at with love and longing and sometimes regret; regret of one kind or another. We miss what it represents or we miss what it should have represented. I have always felt somewhat saddened listening to some of our parents who had spent decades away from their birthplace – their home – but were always hoping, planning, saving, building, shopping and postponing life today for that future time when they will return home and have a dream-life.

Many of course don’t make it and some of those who do, find that it is not the stuff of their dream. Time has marched on without them and they feel and get treated as outsiders,even by their own relatives sometimes. For quite a few it might even turn into a nightmare.

In truth, home is where the heart is and what the heart wants it pursues. But sometimes we can fail to realize or accept that the heart is wrong. That is the tragedy of being ruled by emotions. We need guidance and direction from a higher plane, A Higher Source. We need to seek the things which are above and get our direction from our All-Knowing Heavenly Father. As we mature, we need to accept that this world, as is, is NOT our Home. We belong to God Who created us for Paradise! This world, this earth ceased to be Paradise when mankind sinned and the prince of darkness became it’s ruler by default.

Spiritually, we ALL have a homing device that longs for Paradise,for Home. The Home that God prepared for us in Eden,in His Presence is the place that our soul,our spirit longs for. Eden is the place of man’s beginning; God’s Presence is our true home!! We all search,instinctively,for the way home and as a result there are hundreds, thousands of religions, beliefs, doctrines, theories, philosophies, isms and schisms that we follow searching for direction and our place of belonging.

But by ourselves, we are unable to get back to a no-sin situation or live in holiness again without God’s loving intervention. Enter Jesus the Christ center stage; a Love Gift from God, an Open Door back to righteousness, communion and our Paradise Home! Because of the love-bond between Son and Father, Jesus shared the depth and breadth of the love that His Father has for us. This bounteous and infinite love took Him to the Cross of Shame to purchase our liberty. It is agape love, God-love that took the Christ all the way to the grave and God-love that raised Him up in triumph on resurrection morning!

So, whatever we might come up with is pointless. There is only one way home … Jesus is the Only Way – He is the Light and He is Truth. He is the Way back to God, our Creator Father’s Presence. Man was created from love, by love and offered salvation through that same love. This is the mystery of Love;it is eternal,it can never die, it gives life,it is Life, it is God! The power and the authority given to The Christ on His Ascension by the Father,flows from the same love that Jesus had for the Father and therefore for us. We are “so loved” by God that “He gave His only Begotten Son” for our restoration to His Presence and to the privileged position within His Kingdom that He appointed and apportioned to us from the genesis of the earth.

Our homing instinct is tuned in to Paradise and that lies by Way of Jesus the Christ, back to our Father. Wherever we may be,however far away we have moved,like the prodigal son,like the Box Turtle,we need to head Home to our Father.

By the way, 5 minutes later,when I went back outdoors to see the turtle,he had gone, completely disappeared! I checked the yard, it’s quite a big yard and a good distance back to the creek, yet he was nowhere to be found. Was he the racing turtle, after all, the winner of the race …?! Well, one thing is absolutely sure, like the winning turtle of the story, we can all be WINNERS in finding our Way Home, through Christ Jesus our Lord.

I am so glad that turtle came to visit me. It brought such a blessing to me and I hope the blessing is contagious! Always His and yours ... LadyZaidie

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Visitor

This is a picture of the Turtle that came to visit with me today!!

Isn't it lovely!!!

A Turtle Visited Me Today

OK, so you might see the title and wonder what on earth is going on. Well as it says, a turtle came to visit me at home today! It was around 11:30, warm, sunny and perfect outside. My husband was out someplace. When he got home, he noticed a turtle sitting in the grass at the side of the house, by the garage. I was not sure what to expect, I thought he must be joking or mistaken. He was not. There in the grass was a turtle, resting. Well my first thought was, where did it come from but as we have a creek at the far end of the yard, I reasoned it must have crawled up from that direction. Either that or there was another race going on and there was a hare somewhere around also! There was no harm in being certain, so I looked around. There was no hare in sight, so this was not that race - the one where the slow turtle won against that speedy hare!!

I got the camera and recorded the event for my sons. Zac in particular will be sorry to miss this visit. I am not too, too sorry. He would probably want to keep the turtle and I would have had to say no. Pictures would have to suffice. So I snapped away. While I was taking the pictures and enjoying the presence of the turtle, I got to thinking about this most unusual visitor that my Heavenly Father had created and now had sent across my path. Apart from the simple joy of seeing this creature up close and personal for the first time in my life and the sheer delight I was receiving from its visit, were there some life lessons, some divine wisdom for me?

I got back indoors and started to see if I could find out anything about my guest. My photos seems to match the pictures and descriptions of the Eastern Box Turtle and there are a few characteristics of this particular creature that I find impressive and instructive. For example they are long-lived, an average 30 years or longer, they are slow to mature and they are one of the slowest reproducing species in the world. These are interesting enough really but there are a few that I want to comment on in a bit more detail as the Spirit leads.

Firstly, box turtles take 7 years for their shells to mature. When the shell matures they can be shut completely to exclude predators. Now I like that very much. Apart from the number one, the number seven is used most often in the Word of God. And seven is the number that represents Completion, Divine Perfection.

The Book of Revelation uses this number throughout. For example we see SEVEN churches, SEVEN Spirits, SEVEN stars, SEVEN seals, SEVEN trumpets, SEVEN vials, SEVEN personages, SEVEN dooms, and SEVEN new things. Everything in life revolves around this number. In Revelation alone, it is used 54 times. So it seems that the whole of creation, from beginning to end, Genesis to Revelation is founded upon the number SEVEN. It stands for the SEVENTH day of the Creation Week recorded in Genesis and speaks of the Millennial Rest Day in the Book of Revelation.

In our walk with the Lord Jesus, we must live, move and have our being in Him, in order to be perfect even as He is Perfect. Our perfection and completeness is bound up in the God of the number seven which denotes Spiritual Perfection. The box turtle's shell is capable of shutting out predators and it is only when we are hid in God, through Christ Jesus that we too can shut out the attacks of the enemy and overcome sin. It is perfection that our Lord tells us to strive for, to 'Be', if we would be like Him. Sin, sickness and shame has no success against the perfection of divinity. The turtle surely came as a heavenly messenger to me today - I will tell you about the other characteristic that has really inspired me today, in my next blog later on ...

Love & Blessings

Monday, May 11, 2009

Mother's Day

Well, yesterday was a a real eye-opener for a couple of reasons. First, I discovered that my youngest son Zac is very determined to achieve whatever he sets his mind to, especially when he is battling the odds. He went through hoops to get a present for me, a very beautiful gift and a card and successfully enlisted the help and generosity of some adults, including a total stranger. No, he was never at risk! It just makes me so grateful to be a mother, his mother! The qualities he has displayed in order to show his love to me are just wonderful. I truly appreciate him and look forward to being his mom forever.

The second thing that impacted me was how important little things can be to me. There is a saying that 'the devil is in the details'. I know there is some truth to this but I am absolutely certain that God is in the details of my life and all things pertaining to it. I had an emergency situation that required immediate attention. However, it was beyond my capabilities to resolve and there wasn't anyone that I could turn to, so I do what I always do, I turned to God in prayer. My petition needed to be fast-tracked, Lord, I said. I can't wait for an answer tomorrow or next week... but you know that Lord, I said. And so on and so forth. I left it with Him and went about my day.

Just a short while later, He sent me the answer, the solution to my problem from across the Atlantic Ocean, no less. Before I had prayed, my Lord had already answered my prayer. Now, don't get me wrong, He has come through for me often times before but somehow, we have a tendency to forget, I forget. I was reminded, again that even in what might appear to be unimportant situations in my life, God is faithful, loving, caring, merciful and attentive to the details of what concerns us and our well being. I just so appreciate Him.

The thing that links these two scenarios above is love. The love of my son and the love of the Son of God. I am grateful for both. From my son I kind of expect love, after all he is my son. I am pleased, proud even of the lengths he pursued in order to show his love for me on this Mother's Day. I am even more overwhelmed when I consider the height, depth and breadth of the Saviour's love for me. The big picture in which He dies for my sins is so awesome. But after that, to find He is so concerned about the very little details of my life, every moment of every day makes me so humble, so grateful. The events of Zac's pursuit furnished further details of His intervention. He blessed my son for loving me and my Lord continues to bless me with His love gift every day. I am so loved, I can't contain it ... it must flow out and so I must do everything possible to love my human family as much as My Loving God loves me. I love you all. For Real.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Beginner's Blog

I am going to be blogging a lot 'cos I hold a lot inside and I feel like I want to feel how it feels to share more of what fills my heart and mind ... not because it is necessarily important what I think or feel but because I need to make room for more ... for new ... for wiser thoughts and feelings to come in. Someone, maybe just one person may find some thought worth something so ... here goes my journey into another forum of communication. I pray that as always, He - The Divine Lord - Whose Lady I am - is well pleased with this effort.

Blessings & Love

His Lady - LadyZaidie