It has been a very long time since I have written anything on this blog! Wow. How time flows; steady sure and ever more speedily it seems these days. I just scanned through some of my previous posts and I am reminded of the unchanging, faithful love of God. Things are always changing in our lives and the lives of our loved ones. Everything! Even the foods that we enjoy and indulge changes. Yet God may be relied on to be constant in and out of every season of our lives. Right now I am in the autumn of my current season. There has been so much happening. Everything that can be changed it seems is changing. Relationships are maturing and therefore changing or just deteriorating and yes, changing.
It takes time to accept these differences that reshape our landscapes emotionally, physically and especially spiritually. Take for example being an "empty- nester." Now don't get me wrong I am delighted that my youngest has now completed his first year in university. I had 2 semesters to adjust to him living away from me. But Lord knows it is good to have him home for the summer holidays. The weird thing is that we have both changed! He doesn't want me to "fuss" and that's just as well. The truth is that I have misplaced the habit of fussy mothering the way I have done for many years. For example, planning meals in advance or shopping for extras that are son-friendly. So when I get ready to leave work at the end of the day which is usually late, really late, I remember that he is home! It is then that I am very thankful; this more grown up, no-fuss son is such a blessing. This change works very well for us both I think.
However there are so many changes that are sad, disturbing, unsettling, surprising or even outright bad. They cause upsets, hurts, distress, disappointments and even pain. I am dealing with that kind of change too. But I thank the Lord that I am not going through my experiences alone. He is always right in the middle of everything with me. I am not alone. Best of all His grace and mercies are amazing, sufficient and new every morning. He is my Strength, my Shield and my Refuge. I have a Place of security, peace and joy. I can rest in Him and enjoy total confidence that He will work all things together for MY good!! And He has, is and always will.
It's not possible to ask for a greater assurance than this; our God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. His love never changes, it never fails and it is enough, always. So whatever the changes are that are happening in your life right now, remember that change is inevitable. It is one of very few certainties! But there is one unchanging Truth that will help you through it all - God is always our Father. He loves us beyond our understanding and He is always with us, regardless. This, my dear friend is an unshakeable, unfathomable, unbreakable, unchanging guarantee. Count on it! Take comfort in it! Rejoice in it! Malachi 3:6, Hebrews 13:8 & Revelation 1:8
We overcome the enemy by the Blood of Jesus and by the word of our Testimony. Rev. 12:11
Here I am. This is a snapshot of my daily journey as a daughter of the Most High God. My Father impacts every aspect of my life, every day. This blog is about sharing some of my experiences and my relationship with my Heavenly Father, the Lord of my life and whose I am. The human family is in a war. The enemy of God wants to use us to discredit Him, His Kingdom and all it stands for; Love, Righteousness, Justice, Eternal Joy, Peace, Everlasting Life and All Things Good. In this war, we will be the big losers if we choose to remain on the side of the enemy. He cares nothing for us. It is Satan's plan to destroy us in order to win against God. I choose God's side and in this blog I share how that works in practice in my life. Let me know if this blesses you by your comments. Blessings and Love Always. LadyZaidie