So as usual, I get talking to anyone that is near me while I am out and about. That's just me. I like talking to people. I call it my TalkTalk Ministry. Today, I am in an excellent frame of mind waiting to collect some money from Western Union sent by my niece for Christmas presents. It was not just the fact of the money that I was in a good mood;it was really a very beautiful day. I was just in a sweet communion with the Father on my drive to the store - I find that when I am driving it is the perfect time to just pray and praise! - So now I was full of the joy of His love. And as we all know,love is liquid, it flows and it increases exponentially as it flows. One just cannot keep it bottled up inside. It has to flow out. I say a bright and cheery hello and enquire into the well being of people who cross my path. I strike up conversations every chance I get. I share a word of encouragement in and out of season as the Spirit leads.
So here I am in the queue and there are two people waiting behind me. Two gentlemen. The second announces to the Assistant that he is there to collect his winnings from the lottery. Two winning tickets, he said. Then he says the amounts. I chuckled and said I thought he was about to say a much larger sum to which he replies "From your mouth to the ears of the gods". I immediately noted in my mind; "the gods". Well OK. After all my God is not into the gambling thing so its no wonder he said the gods. Alright.
The conversation continued about the eclipse that had just taken place. It was agreed by all that we were unable to see it due to the cloud coverage. This was apparently the first time in around 400 years that this kind of eclipse had taken place - a full lunar eclipse on the night of the winter solstice - and it was not expected to occur again for another 300 plus years. OK.
Then the same gentleman went on to say, it was a very good night for magic rituals as the power of spells etc would be greatly multipled. It is never my wish to cause offence but without thought I responded that the world does not need the power of magic to be increased any more.
He kinda laughed and quickly said by way of explanation I guess; "But we were doing healing magic - the good kind". "The good kind of magic, what is commonly referrred to as white magic?" I asked. "Yes, a friend had a double mastectomy and had developed an infection so we were performing healing rituals. We are very confident of a good result because of the special powers that were in the atmosphere on the night of this special eclipse", he explained.
Well, what does one say without offending or is it to be accepted by Believers that the truth will cause offense?
My heart became heavy. The singing in my mind was silenced. I began to pray, to intercede for this man. I was so saddened by this conversation. I was sad for the lady who needed healing, sad for her friends, sad for the deception and lies of the enemy that twists the magesty of God's creative power and turn it into a means for the magnification of evil. The devil sure is a liar. Satan is still trying his every effort to steal God's glory and to destroy mankind's faith in God. Healing comes from the Lord; it is freely given to those who believe, who trust, who ask in His will.
But instead people are misled into seeking and believing in a counterfeit. Our inborn need to worship is perverted and the enemy of the human race seeks to take God's place in our hearts, minds,body and spirit. He seeks only to destroy our chance of restoration to the family of God. The family that he walked away from and can never get back into because he desired to exalt himself above the Lord, who is the one God!
The work of declaring the gospel among our family, friends and neighbours;in our communities and our countries is still urgent and it is needed now more than ever before. The enemy knows that his time is running out and he is intent on taking as many souls to hell with him as he can,just to hurt and defy God. We like to refer to ourselves as living in a Christian country but truthfully we need to look and see that the harvest is plenty and ready for labourers right here and right now. There is pseudo-christian mentality that has become very pervasive - we have a form of godliness but we live in denial of the power that it has unto salvation in Jesus Christ our Saviour!
We must share Jesus and Him crucified for our sins, resurrected with the key to death,the grave and hell and now seated at the Father's right hand. He is ready to intercede for us, plead for us, advocate on our behalf so that we might share His heritage as sons and daughters of the Most High, Jehovah God. We need to recognise that the mission field is right here in our families and our communities, not just in distant lands.
The Lord has commissioned and commanded us to share the good news right where we are, right now. And do not for a minute think that everyone around you knows the truth already. That is what the devil would like us to believe. He is the deceiver and he is the master counterfeit artist. Speak the truth of salvation and the Holy Spirit will bring conviction. Sow a seed even, the watering will be done by another of God's children and the Holy Spirit will bring about the increase; a harvest of righteousness.
All hail the name of Jesus; let us adore and worship Him and only Him for He is the Creator, the Healer, the Redeemer, the Lover of our souls, the one true God. Beware the Counterfeit. Look to the Son of God and serve only Him. Share these truths every time the opportunity arises; seize the moment to minister the love of Jesus to our misguided, mistaken fellow human.
If anyone or anything is getting the glory, the honour and the praise other than the Lord, that is the work of Satan. No two ways about it. "Give unto caesar the things that are caesar's and unto God the things that are God's". Worship is God's. Awe, respect, honour, glory, exhaltation, praise, thanksgiving, authority and dominion all belong to Him. Spread the gospel to everyone; Share the Love every chance that you get. Let God be praised by everything that has breath. AMEN,AMEN AND AMEN! LadyZaidie
We overcome the enemy by the Blood of Jesus and by the word of our Testimony. Rev. 12:11
Here I am. This is a snapshot of my daily journey as a daughter of the Most High God. My Father impacts every aspect of my life, every day. This blog is about sharing some of my experiences and my relationship with my Heavenly Father, the Lord of my life and whose I am. The human family is in a war. The enemy of God wants to use us to discredit Him, His Kingdom and all it stands for; Love, Righteousness, Justice, Eternal Joy, Peace, Everlasting Life and All Things Good. In this war, we will be the big losers if we choose to remain on the side of the enemy. He cares nothing for us. It is Satan's plan to destroy us in order to win against God. I choose God's side and in this blog I share how that works in practice in my life. Let me know if this blesses you by your comments. Blessings and Love Always. LadyZaidie