Here I am. This is a snapshot of my daily journey as a daughter of the Most High God. My Father impacts every aspect of my life, every day. This blog is about sharing some of my experiences and my relationship with my Heavenly Father, the Lord of my life and whose I am. The human family is in a war. The enemy of God wants to use us to discredit Him, His Kingdom and all it stands for; Love, Righteousness, Justice, Eternal Joy, Peace, Everlasting Life and All Things Good. In this war, we will be the big losers if we choose to remain on the side of the enemy. He cares nothing for us. It is Satan's plan to destroy us in order to win against God. I choose God's side and in this blog I share how that works in practice in my life. Let me know if this blesses you by your comments. Blessings and Love Always. LadyZaidie

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"We Fall Down"

The popular gospel song made so by Donnie McClurkin says "We fall down but we get up ..." and yes, I agree but I would like to vary this statement a little. This little however makes all the difference to me. In my life I fall down and most often, I have to say it is the Lord Who lifts me up; it is He that picks me up. By myself I would still be flat on my face, broken, disheartened, hurting, sad or mad but unable to help myself, unable to get up. It takes faith and favour to get up and it takes the love of Jesus to pick me up.

When Jesus said to the lame man at the pool of Siloam, "Take up your bed and walk", it took faith. For 38 years he was unable to help himself, unable to get up. But what a difference the Word makes! When Jesus spoke, His words inspired and strengthened;faith exploded in that man! Faith that came from hearing the Word of God! "And the Word became flesh and lived among men" and in Him was light which was the very life that God was offering to mankind through Jesus Christ the Lord.

And then, there was Jairus' daughter. When Jesus arrived at her house, it seems it was all over for her. People were a weeping and a wailing; it appeared that she was dead. But Jesus was and is able. He took her by the hand and commanded her to rise. I believe that His touch made the difference then, and today it still makes the difference. Like the woman with the issue of blood that reached out and touched the hem of His garment;restoration flows from Him to His downtrodden, fallen, broken children.

I know that to all appearances I have been down and out many times, no chance of recovery - as if my best years were behind me, it has been said. Then a miracle happens and here I am. And I am here because He IS!! Love lifts me up, the Word lifts me up every time I fall down. When I cannot find the strength to get back up again, He is my Shepherd Who lifts me into His arms, lays me down beside still waters and restores my soul.

Jesus is Love and He is the Word of life, eternal life to me. In Him I am more than a Conqueror; His strength is made manifest in my weakness; the weaker I am, the more glory He gets because the more obvious is His favour, His help, His grace, provision and bountiful blessings in my life.

So if you fall down and can't get back up again, just call on the Lord and He will lift you up and place your feet on solid ground so you can stand again, secure in His Love and His Life. Love & Blessings. LadyZaidie