Here I am. This is a snapshot of my daily journey as a daughter of the Most High God. My Father impacts every aspect of my life, every day. This blog is about sharing some of my experiences and my relationship with my Heavenly Father, the Lord of my life and whose I am. The human family is in a war. The enemy of God wants to use us to discredit Him, His Kingdom and all it stands for; Love, Righteousness, Justice, Eternal Joy, Peace, Everlasting Life and All Things Good. In this war, we will be the big losers if we choose to remain on the side of the enemy. He cares nothing for us. It is Satan's plan to destroy us in order to win against God. I choose God's side and in this blog I share how that works in practice in my life. Let me know if this blesses you by your comments. Blessings and Love Always. LadyZaidie

Monday, December 27, 2010

A Mission Field Beside You!

So as usual, I get talking to anyone that is near me while I am out and about. That's just me. I like talking to people. I call it my TalkTalk Ministry. Today, I am in an excellent frame of mind waiting to collect some money from Western Union sent by my niece for Christmas presents. It was not just the fact of the money that I was in a good mood;it was really a very beautiful day. I was just in a sweet communion with the Father on my drive to the store - I find that when I am driving it is the perfect time to just pray and praise! - So now I was full of the joy of His love. And as we all know,love is liquid, it flows and it increases exponentially as it flows. One just cannot keep it bottled up inside. It has to flow out. I say a bright and cheery hello and enquire into the well being of people who cross my path. I strike up conversations every chance I get. I share a word of encouragement in and out of season as the Spirit leads.

So here I am in the queue and there are two people waiting behind me. Two gentlemen. The second announces to the Assistant that he is there to collect his winnings from the lottery. Two winning tickets, he said. Then he says the amounts. I chuckled and said I thought he was about to say a much larger sum to which he replies "From your mouth to the ears of the gods". I immediately noted in my mind; "the gods". Well OK. After all my God is not into the gambling thing so its no wonder he said the gods. Alright.

The conversation continued about the eclipse that had just taken place. It was agreed by all that we were unable to see it due to the cloud coverage. This was apparently the first time in around 400 years that this kind of eclipse had taken place - a full lunar eclipse on the night of the winter solstice - and it was not expected to occur again for another 300 plus years. OK.

Then the same gentleman went on to say, it was a very good night for magic rituals as the power of spells etc would be greatly multipled. It is never my wish to cause offence but without thought I responded that the world does not need the power of magic to be increased any more.

He kinda laughed and quickly said by way of explanation I guess; "But we were doing healing magic - the good kind". "The good kind of magic, what is commonly referrred to as white magic?" I asked. "Yes, a friend had a double mastectomy and had developed an infection so we were performing healing rituals. We are very confident of a good result because of the special powers that were in the atmosphere on the night of this special eclipse", he explained.

Well, what does one say without offending or is it to be accepted by Believers that the truth will cause offense?

My heart became heavy. The singing in my mind was silenced. I began to pray, to intercede for this man. I was so saddened by this conversation. I was sad for the lady who needed healing, sad for her friends, sad for the deception and lies of the enemy that twists the magesty of God's creative power and turn it into a means for the magnification of evil. The devil sure is a liar. Satan is still trying his every effort to steal God's glory and to destroy mankind's faith in God. Healing comes from the Lord; it is freely given to those who believe, who trust, who ask in His will.

But instead people are misled into seeking and believing in a counterfeit. Our inborn need to worship is perverted and the enemy of the human race seeks to take God's place in our hearts, minds,body and spirit. He seeks only to destroy our chance of restoration to the family of God. The family that he walked away from and can never get back into because he desired to exalt himself above the Lord, who is the one God!

The work of declaring the gospel among our family, friends and neighbours;in our communities and our countries is still urgent and it is needed now more than ever before. The enemy knows that his time is running out and he is intent on taking as many souls to hell with him as he can,just to hurt and defy God. We like to refer to ourselves as living in a Christian country but truthfully we need to look and see that the harvest is plenty and ready for labourers right here and right now. There is pseudo-christian mentality that has become very pervasive - we have a form of godliness but we live in denial of the power that it has unto salvation in Jesus Christ our Saviour!

We must share Jesus and Him crucified for our sins, resurrected with the key to death,the grave and hell and now seated at the Father's right hand. He is ready to intercede for us, plead for us, advocate on our behalf so that we might share His heritage as sons and daughters of the Most High, Jehovah God. We need to recognise that the mission field is right here in our families and our communities, not just in distant lands.

The Lord has commissioned and commanded us to share the good news right where we are, right now. And do not for a minute think that everyone around you knows the truth already. That is what the devil would like us to believe. He is the deceiver and he is the master counterfeit artist. Speak the truth of salvation and the Holy Spirit will bring conviction. Sow a seed even, the watering will be done by another of God's children and the Holy Spirit will bring about the increase; a harvest of righteousness.

All hail the name of Jesus; let us adore and worship Him and only Him for He is the Creator, the Healer, the Redeemer, the Lover of our souls, the one true God. Beware the Counterfeit. Look to the Son of God and serve only Him. Share these truths every time the opportunity arises; seize the moment to minister the love of Jesus to our misguided, mistaken fellow human.

If anyone or anything is getting the glory, the honour and the praise other than the Lord, that is the work of Satan. No two ways about it. "Give unto caesar the things that are caesar's and unto God the things that are God's". Worship is God's. Awe, respect, honour, glory, exhaltation, praise, thanksgiving, authority and dominion all belong to Him. Spread the gospel to everyone; Share the Love every chance that you get. Let God be praised by everything that has breath. AMEN,AMEN AND AMEN! LadyZaidie

Friday, November 19, 2010


Recently, I spent 5 hours at the airport waiting. You might immediately think "oh no!" But actually it was such a lovely experience. I had an opportunity to speak with so many people. I was in such a good place that I was able to actually enjoy the break. It was a mini holiday in itself really. You know, I actually think that people watching is one of the most interesting ways to spend time that you have to spare and circumstances allows.

I had a book with me, I had my my word search magazine - I love word search - I had my music. But for some reason I had a desire for human interaction one on one or even as an interested bystander, seeing people living. Human beings are just so diverse, so colourful, so interesting, so beautiful. Didn't our God do an awesome job when He made us?!

As you can imagine, being at an airport meant there was such a representation of the many nations and cultures of this world. But they all had one thing in common; that one thing was love. As friends and families greeted each other or said goodbye, one could almost touch the love that enveloped the atmosphere. "Parting is such sweet sorrow" as Shakespeare says and there is such joy in meeting after periods of separation! People watching affords vicarious pleasure and pain. It also gave me the chance to pray for so many people as I had the privilege to share, albeit remotely, in a few moments of their lives.

During my five hours I was also fortunate to chat one on one with some very interesting individuals. I was even more fortunate that they shared their life stories and we had the chance to talk about the mercies and the favour of the Almighty. One gentleman was Jewish and became a christian when he met and fell in love with a christian woman. He accepted Jesus as his Saviour and 20 plus years later is still rejoicing in his salvation. His children are growing up in Christ and they have been on several mission trips to developing nations including Jamaica. Wow!!

I met a man of God, a pastor who has a ministry that involves running a Bible College, training workers for the Kingdom. Our conversation brought confirmation on a major issue that I was interceding with God about. In that place at that particular time, God knew what I needed and He provided the right person to pour into my spirit. Glory to God!

I shared some good laughs and discussed some observations that raised questions of national security and by implication personal safety with a couple waiting to meet relatives. We live in very uncertain times and people are scared. Scared it seems of almost everything. Scared for their future, their family, their faith in man and God. But the word of God exhorts us not to be afraid but rather to place all our trust in the Lord who is able to keep us through it all. I was blessed to be a blessing to this couple.

It was good to be able to take time out from myself. It was good to share the love of Christ. It was a blessing to meet the Lord in the people that came across my path. It was an honour to worship in this way, at that place; It was great to spend five hours at the International Hartsfield-Jackson Airport in Atlanta - It was great because the Lord was there too!! Love your neighbour as you love yourselves and pray without ceasing for them even as you pray for you and your own!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The "Good Ole Days"!

This morning I was thinking about the "Good Ole Days".Days gone by when I was a girl. I lived in the best parish and the best neighbourhood in Jamaica; South St. Elizabeth! I am of course totally entitled to my own biased opinion and since it's the truth anyway?!!

Well I was remembering that 'round about this time of year many of us whose parents were small-holding farmers,had to stay out of school for a couple of weeks,to help with farm work. It was and still is the planting season and every hand was necessary to help. The very survival of the family and the community depended on the harvest. Despite the hard work it was always a good, happy time. There was a feeling of family and community camaraderie that prevailed.

Neighbours helped each other to get the planting done within a set window of time. Children learnt to work together with their parents and we also learnt the importance of taking care of our own to the best of our ability. "Many hands make light work" was a common saying by the old people and it was certainly true in our community. People cared about each other; we shared each others' joys and sorrows,we would laugh together and cry together. Neighbours were usually extended family members anyway and even those who were not,were treated as if they were.

We were not rich in material goods but we were rich in many other ways; ways that mattered most. There was consideration and compassion,there was kindness and kinship,care and concern for even the least among us. There was a bond of family and friendship that tied people together over many generations. It was a community in which decency and good morals were encouraged,poor manners and bad conduct was discouraged,and honor,integrity,respect,and godliness were highly valued.

I wonder what made the difference in our community? Was it because we were a poor farming community and we understood the divine principles of sowing and reaping,of springtime and harvest? Or because so many of our men were fishermen and they shared an awe and appreciation of God's mercies - "they that go down to the sea,witness the power and the glory of the Lord God up close and personal"?

We were a community that confronted life and death as part of the natural process of existence. Children shared in the reality of life experiences. We worked with our parents. We suffered through the loss of crops and the resulting hardships that would follow. The children of the community knew that a father may not return from sea if there were extremely strong winds, a storm or hurricane. We were not shielded from the everyday events that made up a whole life experience. And I believe that these were character-building for all of us.

Today, I am convinced that by and large most of us are strong,determined,hard-working,ambitious and resilient because we were allowed to be an important participant in the real issues and experiences of our community. We were encouraged to be builders of the community in every sense of the word. Understanding and maturity came early to children back then.

Compare that with how things are today. I believe that we now deprive the younger generations of the chance to appreciate and to be fully appreciated for their contribution to family and community by "molly-cuddling" them,way too much. Yes,it is good that we can do "MORE" for our kids in terms of the material provisions we make for them. But by providing everything they ask for whether it is needed or not, without their active contribution or even awareness in many instances of the needs of the family as a unit and the community in which they live as a whole,we do them a disservice.

We are depriving our children of the chance to be the best person that they could become. We ought to wake up to our responsibility; we are letting our children down. We must find ways for our children to have the opportunity to develop sterling characters that will bring honour to God first, to themselves and to their family,community and their country.

Improving on the legacy of our parents is great but if this is at the cost of a moral,caring,sharing,family oriented,community connected society,then we need to start a-weeping and a-wailing for the long gone "Good Ole Days"!! LadyZaidie

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Book Burning

So, someone ordered the burning of a man who wanted people to have and read a book. Then they tortured and murdered lots more people because of that same book.

So, one head of government ordered some books to be burnt, then he ordered over 6 million people to be burnt as well and he said he was just going by what was written in a book.

So, some people are still burning that book; they arrest,imprison and murder people because those victims/martyrs believe in what's written in a book.

So someone wants to burn a book. So that makes the news headlines all around the world.

So now,lots of people might start killing other people out of retaliation for the burning of the book.

So people who believe in one book, want to retaliate against the senseless act of killing innocent people,by burning the book on which the beliefs that led to murder were based.

So then, who wins when a book is burnt? Who benefits, who is enriched, uplifted? Who is saved?

The burning of religious books is never motivated by love/Love. It is grounded in fear, hatred, revenge and intolerance. These seeds can never produce anything good.

If we want to reap a harvest of love; love for one another as human beings,then we must sow seeds of love. For whatever a man/woman/boy/girl sows that shall they also reap, eventually.

God is Love. If our actions and/or our words are not about love, then it is against God and in support of the destroyer of souls. Anyone who is not with God is against Him.

So, burn a book and a burning hell might just be ones final destination. "Depart from me, ye cursed into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels". Jesus on the Day of Judgment.

As people of the Book - the Bible - we must conform all our thoughts, words and actions to its teachings. Only then will our names be found written in the only book that will matter on Judgment Day; that book is the Lamb's Book of Life. Is your reaction in words and thoughts,to the debate about the burning of the book,pleasing to the Lamb?
"Think on these things". Peace, Love and Understanding in Christ Jesus. Amen. LadyZaidie

Blessings as Always. LadyZaidie.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

"We Fall Down"

The popular gospel song made so by Donnie McClurkin says "We fall down but we get up ..." and yes, I agree but I would like to vary this statement a little. This little however makes all the difference to me. In my life I fall down and most often, I have to say it is the Lord Who lifts me up; it is He that picks me up. By myself I would still be flat on my face, broken, disheartened, hurting, sad or mad but unable to help myself, unable to get up. It takes faith and favour to get up and it takes the love of Jesus to pick me up.

When Jesus said to the lame man at the pool of Siloam, "Take up your bed and walk", it took faith. For 38 years he was unable to help himself, unable to get up. But what a difference the Word makes! When Jesus spoke, His words inspired and strengthened;faith exploded in that man! Faith that came from hearing the Word of God! "And the Word became flesh and lived among men" and in Him was light which was the very life that God was offering to mankind through Jesus Christ the Lord.

And then, there was Jairus' daughter. When Jesus arrived at her house, it seems it was all over for her. People were a weeping and a wailing; it appeared that she was dead. But Jesus was and is able. He took her by the hand and commanded her to rise. I believe that His touch made the difference then, and today it still makes the difference. Like the woman with the issue of blood that reached out and touched the hem of His garment;restoration flows from Him to His downtrodden, fallen, broken children.

I know that to all appearances I have been down and out many times, no chance of recovery - as if my best years were behind me, it has been said. Then a miracle happens and here I am. And I am here because He IS!! Love lifts me up, the Word lifts me up every time I fall down. When I cannot find the strength to get back up again, He is my Shepherd Who lifts me into His arms, lays me down beside still waters and restores my soul.

Jesus is Love and He is the Word of life, eternal life to me. In Him I am more than a Conqueror; His strength is made manifest in my weakness; the weaker I am, the more glory He gets because the more obvious is His favour, His help, His grace, provision and bountiful blessings in my life.

So if you fall down and can't get back up again, just call on the Lord and He will lift you up and place your feet on solid ground so you can stand again, secure in His Love and His Life. Love & Blessings. LadyZaidie

Friday, May 21, 2010

My Beloved Son, My Beloved Daughter

Just lately I have been pondering on the relationship that parents have with their children. I have been thinking just how special that bond is and how please we are at times when our kids behave in a manner that reflects our teaching/training/morals/choices and a host of other things that we feel are positive and life enhancing. It is such a joy. We count ourselves blessed and highly favoured.

On the contrary when they behave in a way that causes them hurt, impedes their progress or devalue their lives and their potentials we are disappointed, pained and even confused in most instances. This is especially so if we feel we have done all we could to guide them, equip them to make better choices/decisions.

Our God and Heavenly Father must have felt the same way about His 2 sons; Adam the First and the Second Adam. Joy, and pleasure, delight and happiness in relation to the Second and sadness/pain/heartbreak/disappointment with the First. But the real joy must be that unlike Cain and his response that he was not his brother's keeper; the Second Adam felt the opposite and to that end gave His very life - embraced death on Calvary's Cross, so that Adam the First and his descendants could have life abundantly and eternal! How amazing is that! How pleased a parent must the Father be!

Believe it or not, the Father's great joy is in seeing us; seed of the First Adam, laying hold on the salvation purchased at the Cross and coming into relationship, a pleasing relationship with Him again ... Us being mindful to walk in His way, after His guidance,in obedience to His law and according to the plans/dreams/desires/purpose He has for us.

The Father still hurts when we go astray. He still has no desire that we should remain separated from Him. Just as earthly parents, flawed and imperfect as we are have no heart/mind/strength to see our children; our sons and daughters living careless/aimless/thoughtless/purposeless lives. More so the Father above. He knows exactly what it is we will lose by our wayward behaviour He knows it is our eternal soul that is at stake; tye price we will ultimately pay for disobedience.

Like the prodigal son we must run home to our Heavenly Father.

We need to realize just how much we are loved and how His loving arms ache and wait to welcome us.

Imagine hearing the words "this is my beloved son, or, this is my beloved daughter in whom I Am well pleased"!!

Love & Blessings. LadyZaidie

Thursday, April 29, 2010

He holds the Dream in His Heart

Have you ever had a passion, a vision, a dream and then run out of energy, drive, interest, stuff to keep pursuing, following, reaching out to achieve? I have. I had a vision, an answer to a question that I asked the Lord as to a course , a purpose for my life. He revealed it to me; not the complete picture but what I needed to get started; enough to make the first steps. Yet after some disappointments, some obstacles and stumbling blocks I seemed to have lost the focus, the passion. Other things took precedence and what was left over was insufficient fuel to drive the dream.

Now the Lord has reminded me. He has filled me up again. He has turned me around; turned me back to face the right direction. The Lord has renewed the vision, reminded me of His purpose, His plan. I love Him for being so patient with me. I love Him for holding my vision in His heart, nurturing and keeping it for me until I would make myself available to Him, again. He is faithful; more faithful to me than I could ever deserve.

I am reminded that God never forgot the dream He gave to Joseph. I am sure Joseph must have lost faith, lost hope in the validity of his dream when he was going through stuff. But all the time God was keeping Joseph, He was also keeping the dream alive. Once the Divine gives us a gift; and the vision/dream he gives us is a gift, He never rescinds it. But He keeps it in His heart for us.

It is what a parent does. Jacob held the dream that Joseph told in his heart. At the lie of Joseph's death , Jacob must have been bewildered. No wonder he was inconsolable. But God preserved his life long enough to see Joseph's dream become a reality.

Mary the mother of Jesus also held the things said by the prohet and prophetess at Jesus dedication ceremony in her heart. And she also held the comments of the rabbis at the temple when Jesus was 12 years old in her heart. Finally at the cross she saw the fruition of all that was prophesied; Jesus died to save a fallen race; He is the Messiah of all; the promised Offsping that would bring redemption. Jesus is the second Adam.

I have learnt that God is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all that we can ask or imagine and He works all things together for good to those who love the Lord and are called; given a vision, a dream according to His design and His riches in glory.

Blessings and Fulfilment in the Name of Jesus our Lord. Amen. LadyZaidie

Monday, February 22, 2010

Travelling Mercies? ... Granted!!

As I waited for my friend to pick me up at home this morning, I took the opportunity, as I have so many other mornings, to talk to the Lord again. I had my morning devotions earlier but I ove to talk with my Father and He knows His daughter is a real chatterbox and anyway He loves to talk with me too. I gave Him praise for being the awesome God and Father that He is to me. I thanked Him for His love, His favor, His presence, peace, provision and prosperity. I asked for forgiveness and that I would decrease even as He would increase according to the declaration of John the Baptist. I want to live and move and be all that my Lord has destined for me. I loved on Him;thanking the Holy Spirit for being my Teacher, Comforter, my ever-present Help. I prayed and committed loved ones to the Lord. I ended as the car pulled up at the gate by asking for travelling mercies.

About 15 minutes later, I again had reason to loudly and gratefully thank my Father in Jesus's name for manifesting His reply in to my prayer in such a dazzlingly miraculous manner. I confess I have never been so close to getting seriously hurt in a car accident before in my life. A driver exited a side road inches in front of us. In order to avoid this high impact possibility my friend verred away. This sent us spinning to the right into trafic and then to the left as iron barriers reared in front of us and then again to the right - We were on the highway at 9:35am.

This morning 4 of us had reason to give praise for the angels that the Lord God sets over His children; to keep us and to bear us up lest we dash our foot against a stone or a car against other cars or even a highway barrier. We were 3 in our transport, the other driver makes 4 whose lives have been spared for another day. It was unanimously agreed in our car, it could only have been God that protected us. We were able to keep right on driving without any harm occurring. Correction; I broke a finger nail!!

As for me, I can truthfully say beyond a shadow of doubt that I know it was my God who heard and answered my prayers. The others may have prayed; I do not know. But I sure did and I know it was the Lord who covered us and kept us according to His promises in Psalms 91:11. Praises be to our Lord God and Father Most High foreveremore!!

The Cab Ride | Quotes Inspirational

The Cab Ride | Quotes Inspirational

Friday, January 29, 2010

Time Is Of The Essence

It's been a long time since I made time to blog. This is not because there was nothing to write. Rather there was so much but so little time to sit, reflect and write with access to the internet and therefore this site. Excuses or an explanation? You decide! It is the end of the first month of the New Year already. And I really believe that the Lord is now doing one of those end time things that He promised for the protection of His people. That is, "He will shorten the time for the Elect's sake".

How many times in a day or a week do you hear someone say "Time is just flying" or "I just can't find the time to ..."? Often enough I would guess. I even had a chat about this with Zac and he agrees that time is going quickly ... and Zac is only 12 years old! Oh yes, he had a birthday at Christmas. It also made me realize how young Jesus was when at the same age that Zac is now, He had a theological debate with Bible scholars that knocked their boots off.

How careful are we to study the Word of G-d,to live in His will,walk in His way whatever age we are. Jesus' example must be our template and the Bible says that education is thus defined;studying the Holy Scriptures daily, knowing G-d's commands and living in obedience to them, all of them. We perish for lack of knowledgesays The Holy Book ... Divine knowledge that is!! If we do not spend time in the Word we are as ignorant as pigs, really.

All the issues of life can be faced by applying G-d's guidance. Wisdom comes only from G-d. All knowledge begins and ends in Him. Life is His Word. I need to make the time to immerse myself in The Book with the Holy Spirit as my Instructor so that His will be done in my life, on earth even as it is in Heaven. We might find it challenging to make time to write a blog, keep in touch with friends, clean the house, cook proper meals,and a hundred other things BUT we must make time for G-d; for the study of His Word, for communion with Him, for praise, for prayer, for just loving on Him, every day and night. If we do not make time for the Lord then we are not really living. Are we really??!!