Here I am. This is a snapshot of my daily journey as a daughter of the Most High God. My Father impacts every aspect of my life, every day. This blog is about sharing some of my experiences and my relationship with my Heavenly Father, the Lord of my life and whose I am. The human family is in a war. The enemy of God wants to use us to discredit Him, His Kingdom and all it stands for; Love, Righteousness, Justice, Eternal Joy, Peace, Everlasting Life and All Things Good. In this war, we will be the big losers if we choose to remain on the side of the enemy. He cares nothing for us. It is Satan's plan to destroy us in order to win against God. I choose God's side and in this blog I share how that works in practice in my life. Let me know if this blesses you by your comments. Blessings and Love Always. LadyZaidie

Thursday, September 10, 2009

True Identity

My son celebrating H.S Graduation - The Right Hand of the Lord God upheld him all through High School. Gratitude, Love and Adoration to God forevermore. We can do ALL things through Christ Jesus. Is there anything too hard for God?!!

"You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains.
You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas.
I am strong, when I am on Your shoulders.
You raise me up to more than I can be."
Lyrics of the Gospel Song "You Raise Me Up".

Romans 8:14 - "For as many as are led by the
Spirit of God, they are the sons of God".
Romans 8:11 "But if the Spirit of Him that
raised up Jesus from the dead dwell in you,
He that raised up Christ from the dead shall
also quicken your mortal bodies by His
Spirit that dwells in you".

The Eternal One created me.
Sin separated me from Him.
My Brother and my Lord purchased me with
His shed blood on Calvary's cross.
Recreated me in the image and likeness
of my Divine lineage. Now I am one with
My Father and my Brother, again.

Redemption, reconciliation, restoration.
God's sovereign strategy for my life rocks.
I know whose I am, therefore I know who I am;
Heir of Jehovah God my Father, joint heir with
Jesus my Redeemer, my Lord and my big brother.

My inheritance is to be like Jesus in every way.
His Victory is mine. His heart of love and compassion
is mine. His suffering is mine. His death, mine.
His resurrection is also mine.

I am life and truth even as He is. I am clothed with the
righteousness of the Messiah. I walk in dominion
and authority on the earth,conquering every adversity,
by the power of the Holy Spirit.
To God be all the glory and honor forevermore.

Do you know who you are?
Are you aware of your lineage?
Have you read the details of your legacy?
Are you reborn, recreated as a son/daughter of the Living God
through Jesus the Christ?

Unless you know who you are
You cannot know why you are

Blessings. LadyZaidie

Friday, September 4, 2009

Invitation To His Banqueting Table

It has been a while since I last wrote anything on my blog, not because I had nothing to write - I can always find something to say! It was simply that I did not feel compelled to share anything. I have been doing some editing for an autobiography and I have been transcribing some notes for my current manuscript - yes, I am in the process of writing another book - so perhaps I am in "over-write"! Not all dried out or burnt out but all 'written out',kinda. Yet. Here I am still attempting to share something even if it is to say what I am not able to share ... Confused?! Funny that,I am perfectly clear about what I am saying!! Believe that and you are all just as cerebral as I am. Welcome to my world!!

OK, Come back to earth,Lady! Well, the thing about emptying out a vessel is that one creates space for a refill and right now,having drained the very dregs of my creative mind, I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that I am in a great position for new impartations. By this I mean that I am excited at being so totally empty, chumping at the bits to receive new insights/revelations from the Lord. And I know just which table I need to go sit at. Best of all,I have a standing invitation. I can hardly keep still knowing that I have made ready my heart, mind and spirit for a feast: "He invites me to His Banqueting Table" and I have gotten here on empty, ready for a refill at the Table of my Lord and my God.

Have you ever been invited out for a meal and prepared yourself for it? You have an invitation to an event, maybe to meet friends or family at your special restaurant. You eat very little during the day because you know that you want to have room in your tummy to appreciate and fill up on your favorite dishes. Maybe that's just me. Anyway, I have even gone so far as to wear my most comfortable,loose fitting dress so that I can really indulge - remembering, when I do remember, that gluttony is a sin! Of course when it comes to something I really like, it takes a long time for me to get full up, so gluttony is a long way coming into the equation.

Anyway, as I was saying, right now I am ready to receive abundantly at the hands of the Lord. And you know what, I do not have to be concerned about over-indulgence, hallelujah! Conversely, although I have not been able to write for my blog lately,all my spare time has been occupied with my Bible study. I have been able to spend a lot more time than usual each day, just reading and studying and immersing myself in the Word. I find that the more I study, the more I want to study. That is not me, that is the Spirit of the Lord for sure.

The desire for Truth and understanding, for revelation and Manna from above can take on a momentum of its own. The Word of our God and Lord is "more-ish". You cannot be so filled that you walk away without wanting any more. Not possible. There are deeper depths in the Lord and in seeking, we assuredly will find Him. And once we find our place in Him we just want to set up house; He becomes our "dwelling place", our secret hideaway even. What a place to be!

That's why, right now,I am thrilled that I am all 'writ-out' because I know that He is ever ready to "Fill my cup,fill it up and make me whole". So, Sorry that I don't have much to say at this moment, but just you wait and see; the banquet is just getting underway. You are invited too,no joke. Come away my Beloved. Happy Feasting. Love & Blessings. LadyZaidie.