Here I am. This is a snapshot of my daily journey as a daughter of the Most High God. My Father impacts every aspect of my life, every day. This blog is about sharing some of my experiences and my relationship with my Heavenly Father, the Lord of my life and whose I am. The human family is in a war. The enemy of God wants to use us to discredit Him, His Kingdom and all it stands for; Love, Righteousness, Justice, Eternal Joy, Peace, Everlasting Life and All Things Good. In this war, we will be the big losers if we choose to remain on the side of the enemy. He cares nothing for us. It is Satan's plan to destroy us in order to win against God. I choose God's side and in this blog I share how that works in practice in my life. Let me know if this blesses you by your comments. Blessings and Love Always. LadyZaidie

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Let Truth Conquer The Spirit of Compromise

How much does it matter to you, how other people see you;how and what they think of you? Or does it only matter to you what your family, friends and loved ones think? Do they know the real you? When you meet someone for the very first time, do you deliberately try to make a good impression? Are you comfortable and content to be yourself or do you try to say the right things, portray the right attitude, behave according to expectations, be who you are expected to be in that place, at that time? Think about this for a moment. Are you always truthful in your interactions with everyone, careful not to mislead or misrepresent who you are; your personality, your character, your principles, morals and convictions?

I have learned the hard way that we compromise in so many different areas of our lives. Often, we do not realise until the damage is done. I have been turning the Light of Truth into the far recesses of my mind. As a result,I have found that the cause of much of the heartache and pain I have suffered over the years has a lot to do with allowing the spirit of compromise,to set up a stronghold in my mind and heart.

It is so easy to tailor our persona to suit the situation, the company we are in or the expectations of others. And often, these others are strangers or mere acquaintances; people whose path we may never cross again. Most often we 'tone down' or 'tune up' our presentation of our self and in so doing we compromise. Yes, We Compromise!

Of course at first glance, compromise is such a 'now' word. There has to be compromises in just about every single relationship these days, apparently, or people would not be able to get on; marriages would not work - not that we are doing so great on that front anyway given the current statistics,Companies would fail to function efficiently, business would grind to a halt all over the globe, communities would be chaotic and countries would constantly have clashes and numerous outbreaks of war.

Well,there are lots of compromises going on everywhere,everyday yet all of the above scenarios are widespread! I humbly suggest then, that compromises are not working either. So why don't we just go for truth,honesty and integrity in all our dealings with each other. Let truth reign in our hearts, our homes, our communities and our countries. I know that this world would be a better place. It would be because Jesus is Truth and if Truth is in charge, righteousness is in control!! Compromise is not a part of the Lord's nature and should not be a part of ours either!

Compromise is really a lie dressed up in human logic to appear honest, essential and beneficial. In the end however,it is just another method used by the enemy of mankind to ensnare and destroy us. He even tried this approach with Jesus during His temptation in the Wilderness. "I will give you all the kingdoms of the earth now. No need to suffer, no need to minister to captive, suffering, lost mankind". Following God's agenda, he implied, was unnecessary. "If you just do one thing,worship me this once, you can forgo crucifixion on Calvary,dying,the grave,and you become ruler right now", Satan pressed!

But Jesus saw through Satan's plot. He refused to compromise and act to please anyone else but God. Jesus the Christ KNEW that at the time decreed by God, "the kingdoms of earth will become the Kingdom of our Lord!!" Satan was presenting a package that, although it would achieve the same outcome planned by God,the method and timing was contrary to that established by the Father in His divine wisdom. Compromise is disobedience to the commands of God to live in truth. In fact, I would go so far as to say, that I have learned that in many instances, compromise is a manipulation of truth; as first practiced by the enemy, that old serpent, in the Garden of Eden. It lead to the Fall of the Human family from God's grace!

So please my beloved ones, learn to recognise when you are about to compromise. You can compromise your thoughts, your principles, your beliefs, your salvation. You can compromise your dreams and hopes, your ambitions and choices and in so doing you can compromise your divine destiny! Be on your guard! Compromise brings negative consequences to bear in your life. You or your loved ones, your community, your country will suffer the cost. Logic is not the right lens through which to view life. Jesus is the Way to salvation, He is the Truth concerning all things and Jesus Christ is Life, life everlasting in God's Presence. So, don't compromise in any way that diminishes truth, honesty, integrity and righteousness!

Truth, Love & Blessings. The LadyZaidie.